Our Team 2024/25

Borussia Düsseldorf crowned the 2023/24 season with its 34th German championship title. For the fourth time in a row, the final opponent was 1. FC Saarbrücken - and the winner was always Borussia Düsseldorf. It was a thrilling final. Dang Qiu took the lead against Patrick Franziska, Timo Boll had to concede defeat in a highly dramatic match against Darko Jorgic after seven missed match points. However, Anton Källberg put Borussia back in front with his victory against Cedric Meissner and then it was once again our top player Dang Qiu who defeated Darko Jorgic and sealed Borussia's success with his second point.

1. FC Saarbrücken has developed into a permanent rival - and the matches are always exciting and close. Even if the final result might make it look like a commanding victory. Like in the cup final in Ulm at the beginning of the year. Danny Heister's team won 3:0 because Dang Qiu, Anton Källberg and Timo Boll were in good form and gave the Saarland team no chance. Borussia thus took the trophy back to Düsseldorf for the 28th time.

But things can turn out differently against the strong Saarbrücken team: The team experienced this in the Champions League final. After trailing 0:2, Qiu and Boll were able to equalise and Källberg's last match had to decide the match. The Swede and his opponent Jorgic are both incredible fighters who are both able to fend off match points and turn games around time and again. In this case, the Slovenian managed to do so and was the match-winner for Saarbrücken with two victories on the day.

Even though the top trio of Boll, Qiu and Källberg were at the table in all the final matches of the season, Kay Stumper, Borgar Haug and Kamal Achanta, who sometimes flew in from India just before the end of the season, played a major part in the success. All of them made appearances and contributed victories and their support from the bench is immeasurable.

Just like the support of the fans! They not only come to the AARAG CentreCourt for the home games, but also accompanied the team to Ulm for the cup, to Saarbrücken for the Champions League Final 4 and now to the final in Frankfurt. They are loud, they are enthusiastic and they are the best! Thank you.

The cherry on the cake after this double season is that Timo Boll and Dang Qiu will represent Germany at the Olympic Games, Anton Källberg will also compete for Sweden and Kamal Achanta will even carry the Indian flag at the opening ceremony.

It's great that the core of the team will remain together and that Timo Boll, Dang Qiu, Anton Källberg, Kay Stumper and Borgar Haug will be chasing titles in the 2024/25 season.



A four-year-old boy in the peaceful Hessian town of Erbach picks up a table tennis bat for the first time in his life - and hasn't let go of it since. Even at the age of 42, Timo Boll is part of the German national team and has a declared goal: He wants to take part in his seventh Olympic Games in Paris in 2024. Timo has achieved just about everything in his career: He has been world number 1 several times, has won World Championship medals and eight European Championship titles. It's impossible to list all the tournament victories, and he led Borussia to the championship title 13 times. And he is still under contract for two more years in Düsseldorf. The success story can still be continued.


Timo Boll

In the club since: 01/07/2007 
All-time record for Borussia: 492:95
Titles with Borussia Düsseldorf:

  • Winner Champions League 2021, 2018, 2011-2009
  • Winner ETTU-Cup 2012
  • German Team Champion 2024, 2023 2022, 2021, 2018-2014, 2012-2008
  • Winner German Cup 2024, 2021, 2018-2013, 2011-2010, 2008

Handness: Left handed
Timber: Timo Boll ALC
Rubber: FH Dignics 09C,BH Dignics 09C

Highest Ranking: 1 (2003/2011/2018)

Date of birth: 08/03/1981
Nationality: german
Height: 1,81 m
Weight: 77 kg
Marital status: married, one daughter

Did you know? Timo has his own coffee edition, called Timo Boll Edition Time Out & Hand Switch

Latest successes:

  • Winner German Team Championships 2023
  • Winner European Games Team 2023
  • 3rd Place World Championships Singles 2021
  • Runner-Up Olympic Games Team 2021
  • Winner German Team Championships 2023
  • Winner Champions League 2021

Greatest successes:

  • 6x Olympic-Participant 2021 Tokyo (Runner-Up Team), 2016 Rio (3rd Place Team), 2012 London (3rd Place Team), 2008 Peking (Runner-Up Team), 2004 Athen, 2000 Sydney
  • 20x WC-Participant 2021-2010, 2007-2003, 2001-1999, 1997 (Singles: 3rd Place 2021, 2011 / Doubles: Runner-Up with Süß 2005 / Team: Runner-Up 2018, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2004, 3rd Place 2006)
  • 17x EC-Participant 2021, 2019-2016, 2014, 2012-2007, 2005, 2003-2002, 2000, 1998 (Singles: Winner 2021, 2018, 2012-2010, 2008-2007, 2002, 3rd Place 2016, 2009, 2003 / Doubles: Winner 2010-2007, 2002 / Team: Winner 2019, 2017, 2011-2007, Runner-Up 2014)
  • Winner Grand Finals Singles 2005
  • Winner Grand Finals Doubles 2009, 2005
  • Winner World Cup Singles 2005, 2002
  • Runner-Up World Cup Singles 2018, 2017, 2012, 2008
  • Winner European Games Singles 2019
  • Winner European Games Team 2019
  • Winner Europe Top 12/Top 16 Singles 2020, 2018, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2003, 2002
  • The first german ever to reach world ranking place no. 1 (January-May 2003, August-September 2003, January-March 2011, March 2018)
  • 13x Winner German Championship Singles 2019-2017, 2015, 2009, 2007-2001, 1998
  • Winner Triple 2021, 2018, 2011, 2010 (with Borussia)
  • Winner Champions League 2021, 2018, 2011-2009 (with Borussia), 2006-2005 (with Gönnern)


  • ITTF Star Award 2017 "Male Table Tennis Star"
  • Flag Bearer Germany at Olympic Games 2016
  • 2nd Place sportsman of the year 2010, 2008, 2007
  • Fair-Play-Price of the federal ministery 2007
  • Bambi for sports 2005


Dang Qiu

In the club since: 01/07/2021 
All-time record for Borussia: 87:18
Titles with Borussia Düsseldorf:

  • German Champion Team 2024, 2023 and 2022
  • Winner German Cup 2024

Handness: Right handed
Timber: Timo Boll ALC
Rubber: VH Dignics 09C 5 , BH Dignics 05
World ranking: 11 (25th Mar. 2025)
Highest Ranking: 9 (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)

Date of birth: 29/10/1996
Nationality: german
Height: 1,80 m
Weight: 72 kg
Marital status: partnership

Latest successes:

  • Winner European Games Team and Mixed 2023
  • Winner European Championships Singles 2022
  • German Champion Singles and Doubles 2023
  • Winner WTT Contender Lima Singles and Mixed 2022
  • Runner-up Europe Top 16 Cup

Greatest successes:

  • Winner European Championships Singles 2022
  • Runner-Up World Team Championships 2022
  • Winner WTT Star Contender Doha Doubles 2022
  • Winner WTT Contender Lima Singles 2022
  • Winner WTT Contender Lima Mixed 2022


  • Germany's Table Tennis Player of the year 2022




People like to talk about Dang because he had his big breakthrough late, at the age of 25. Then he became European Champion, played more and more successfully in WTT tournaments and made a leap forward in the world rankings. The native Swabian already collected international titles as a schoolboy and teenager, only when he made the leap to the professional ranks, things didn't continue seamlessly in the same way. Today, he is not only the first penholder player born in Germany, but also the best in the world. He also started with the shakehand stance, but since his backhand wasn't that powerful, his father, himself a former Bundesliga player and Chinese national player, suggested he should try the penhold grip - and fans at the ARAG CenterCourt and his opponents at the table can experience for themselves how well that works.




Borussia Düsseldorf has had many good experiences with players from Sweden, and the likeable, good-humored Anton Källberg is no exception. Born in Stockholm, he moved to Germany as a teenager, moved to the Rhine in 2016 and has played one good season after another ever since. The crowd favorite has been one of the league's top players for years.


Anton Källberg

In the club since: 01/07/2016  
All-time record for Borussia: 233:77
Titles with Borussia Düsseldorf:

  • Winner Champions League 2021, 2018
  • German Champion Team 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2017
  • Winner German Team Cup 2024, 2021, 2018, 2017

Handness: Right handed
Timber: Dimitrij Ovtcharov Innerforce ALC
Rubber: FH Dignics 09C, BH Dignics 09C
World ranking: 15 (25th Mar. 2025)
Highest Ranking: 12 (2023, 2024)

Date of birth: 17/08/1997
Nationality: swedish
Height: 1,83 m
Weight: 74 kg
Marital status: partnership

Did you know? Anton is a vexillologist, which means he knows flags particularly well.

Latest successes:

  • 2nd place WTT Champions Frankfurt 2024
  • 2nd place Doubles European Championships 2024
  • 2nd place with Team Sweden Olympic 2024
  • 3rd place Doubles WTT Singapore Smash 
  • 1st place Team European Championships 2023 Team

Greatest successes:

  • 2nd place with Team Sweden Olympic 2024
  • 2nd place Doubles European Championships 2024
  • 4x WC-Participant 2021-2017 (Double:17th Place 2019, 17th Place / Team: 3rd Place 2018)
  • 6x EC-Participant 2021 (2x), 2019, 2017-2015 (Sinlges: 5th Place 2021, 9th Place 2016 / Double: 9th Place 2021, 5th Place 2016 (P. Gerell)/ Mixed: 9th Place 2021 / Team: 3rd Place 2021, 3rd Place 2019, 5th Place 2017, 2015)
  • 2nd place WTT Champions Frankfurt 2024


Kay Stumper

In the club since: 01.07.2022
All-time record for Borussia: 33:22
Titles with Borussia Düsseldorf:

  • German Champion Team 2024 and 2023
  • Winner German Cup 2024

Handness: Right handed
Timber: TIBHAR Kinetic Speed
Rubber: FH Hybrid K3, BH Evoltion MX-P
World ranking: 71 (25th Mar. 2025)
Highest Ranking: 69 (2022)

Date of birth: 15/10/2002
Nationality: german
Height: 1,78 m
Weight: 70 kg
Marital status: partnership

Did you know? Kay is fluent in mandarin.

Latest successes:

  • German Champion Team 2023
  • Runner-Up World Team Championships 2022
  • European Team Champion 2021
  • European Youth Champion 2021

Greatest successes:

  • Runner-Up World Team Championships 2022
  • 1 x EC Participant 2021 (Team: Winner 2021)
  • Winner European Youth Championships 2021 Singles
  • 3rd Place European Youth Championships Team 2019
  • Winner Europe Youth Top 10 in 2020 and 2019




At the age of eight, Kay announced that he wanted to become a world champion. The ambition and talent were literally already laid in his path; after all, his parents, Rudi Stumper and Bao Di, are themselves former professionals and now coaches. They not only trained their son themselves, but also regularly traveled with him to the table tennis center in Beijing. Twelve years later, Kay has not yet won the world championship title, but he has already won numerous international titles at youth level. At Borussia Düsseldorf, he is an established team member after just one season. And the world championship title can still come, of course.




Kamal may no longer have so many Bundesliga appearances for Borussia, as he lives with his family in his homeland and has to travel either from there or from a tournament somewhere in the world, but the Indian is still popular with fans and fellow players. No wonder, because at the table he is a fighter and he can carry others along. On top, he's always in a good mood.


Sharath Kamal Achanta

In the club since: 01/07/2018 (and 2013-2017)
All-time record for Borussia: 75:46
Titles with Borussia Düsseldorf:

  • Winner Champions League 2021
  • German Team Champion 2023, 2022, 2021, 2017-14
  • Winner German Cup 2024, 2021, 2017-14

Handness: Right handed
Timber: Treiber CI off
Rubber: FH Rasanter R53, BH Rasanter R53
World ranking: 91 (25th Mar. 2025)
Highest Ranking: 30 (2018)

Date of birth: 12/07/1982
Nationality: indian
Height: 1,86 m
Weight: 82 kg
Marital status: married, one daugther, one son

Did you know? Kamal is an enthusiastic yogi.

Latest successes:

  • Winner German Team Championships 2023
  • Indian Champion 2022 Singles
  • 3rd Place WTT Contender Doha 2022 Singles 2022

Greatest successes:

  • 4x Olympic-Participant 2021 Tokyo (Single 17th place), 2016 Rio, 2008 Peking, 2004 Athen
  • 17x WC-Participant 2021-2003 (Singles: 17th place 2009/ Doubles: 17th place 2009, 2007/ Team: Winner 2nd Divison and be promoted into Championships Division 2016, 13th place 2018)
  • 5x Asian Games Participant 2018 Jakarta, 2014 Incheon, 2010 Guangzhou, 2006 Doha (Team: 3rd place 2018 / Mixed: 3rd place 2018 (M. Batra))
  • Asian Games 2021: 5th Place Singles, 3rd Place Doubles, 3rd Place Team
  • 5x Commonwealth Games participant 2022 Birmingham, 2018 Goald Coast Australia, 2014 Glasgow, 2010 Neu-Delhi, 2006 Melbourne (Singles: Winner 2022, 2006, 3rd place 2018, 2010/ Doubles: Winner 2010, Runner-Up 2022, 2018, 2014 / Winner Team 2022, 2018, 2006, 3rd place 2010 / Mixed: Winner 2022)


  • Indian Sportsman of the year 2022 (Racket Sports)
  • Padma Shri Award 2019
  • Arjuna Award 2004




With Borgar, the club was able to win another young player with potential. The multiple Norwegian champion comes to the state capital from the Swedish club Halmstad Btk. He is expected to complement the team, as all the professionals will also be away at tournaments in between during the Olympic season. Coach Danny Heister is not only convinced of the 20-year-old's talent, but is also sure that he will fit in perfectly with the team because: "He's really a good guy".


Borgar Haug

In the club since: 01/07/2023
All-time record for Borussia: 7:13
Titles with Borussia Düsseldorf:

  • German Champion Team 2024
  • Winner German Cup 2024

Handness: Left handed
Timber: Viscaria ALC
Rubber: FH Dignics 09C, BH Dignics 09C
World ranking: 91 (25th Mar. 2025)
Highest Ranking: 87 (2025)

Date of birth: 21/11/2002
Nationality: norwegian
Height: 1,73 m
Weight: 63 kg
Marital status: partnership

Did you know? Borgar is an ardent Manchester United fan.

Latest successes:

  • Winner German Team Championships 2023
  • Indian Champion 2022 Singles
  • 3rd Place WTT Contender Doha 2022 Singles 2022

Greatest successes:

  • Norwegian Champion 2023, 2022, 2021 Singles
  • Winner Europe Youth Top 10 Singles
  • Winner Youth Contender Czech Republic Singles
  • Swedish Team Champion 2022 (Halmstadt BTK)


Danny Heister

Date of birth: 18/11/1971
Nationality: dutch
Marital status: married, two sons, one daughter
Function: head coach
In the club since: 01/07/2010

Greatest successes (as Player and Coach):

  • Winner Champions League 2021, 2018, 2011 (with Borussia)
  • Winner ETTU-Cup 2012, 2007 (with Borussia)
  • German Team Champion 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011 (with Borussia)
  • Winner German Cup 2024, 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011 (with Borussia), 1997 (with Gönnern)
  • 3x Olympia-Participant 2004 Athen, 2000 Sydney, 1996 Atlanta
  • 12x WC-Participant
  • Multiple EC-Participant (3rd Place Double 2002 with Keen)
  • 5th Place Pro Tour Final Singles 2002
  • Winner English Open Doubles 1999 (with Keen)
  • 11x Dutch Champion Singles
  • 15x Dutch Champion Doubles

Danny Heister works as a table tennis coach since 2005 and is head coach of Borussia Düsseldorf since 2010. Already in his first year in Düsseldorf Heister succeeded a brillant coup - he won the Champions League, the German Championship and the German Cup - and he did it again in 2018. Meanwhile Heister won 21 titles as coach with Borussia Düsseldorf (4x Champions League, 1x ETTU Cup, 8x German Team Champion, 8x Winner German Cup). From 2003 to 2007 Heister played as pro for Borussia Düsseldorf.




Danny Heister has been active in the coaching business since 2005 and has been head coach at Borussia Düsseldorf since 2010. In his very first year as coach in Düsseldorf, he scored a major coup - in the 2010/11 season, he won the Champions League, the German championship and the German Cup, repeating the triple from the previous year that his predecessor Dirk Wagner had "burdened" him with in his farewell. As the first coach of Borussia, he succeeded in repeating the triple in 2018 and 2021. Meanwhile, Heister won 22 titles as coach with Borussia Düsseldorf (3x Champions League, 1x ETTU Cup, 10x German Team Champion, 8x German Cup Winner). From 2003 to 2007 he was under contract with Borussia as a player.


Andreas Preuß

Date of birth: 30/03/1962 
Nationality: german
Marital status: married, three daughters
Function: Manager
In the club since: 01/07/1984

Andreas Preuß is "Mister Borussia Düsseldorf". He came as a young player to the club and later he took the manager position of Wilfried Micke. In 1999, Andreas Preuß swapped this position then for the coach position. In 2006 he returned to his position as manager of Borussia Düsseldorf.

Preuß stands for integrity and probity and leads this club without any scandals very successful.

Besides the four trophies in the Champions League his greatest successes were the win of the German Championships in 2003 with an inexpierenced "Boygroup" with an average age of only 22 years and both triples in 2010 and in 2011.

As coach and manager he obligated for example Jörg Roßkopf, Vladimir Samsonov (which became in his Borussia career number 1 of the world), Michael Maze, also Christian Süß, Dimitrij Ovtcharov, Timo Boll and Anton Källberg.


Alexander Schilling

Date of birth: 23/07/1974
Nationality: german
Marital status: partnership
Function: General Manager
In the club since: 2002

The qualified sport scientist works for Borussia Düsseldorf for nearly 20 years. Besides his activities as chief press officer he is the succesful manager of the Bundesliga department of the club.


Dr. Antonius Kass

Date of birth: 26/04/1963
Nationality: german
Marital status: married, three kids
Function: Orthopedic and sport-therapeutic support
In the club since: 2004
Adress: Benderstraße 10, 40625 Düsseldorf
Website: www.kass.de

"Toni" Kass is concerned for the orthopedic and sport-therapeutic support of the Borussia-Pros since season 2004/05. He makes sure by little "minor ailment" and by bigger injuries that the players will get convalesce and that they can go back on the table again.


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